Google ranks websites through its complex search algorithm. Google is constantly re-engineering its algorithm so that it can accurately assess website in terms of their authority and also the quality of the information.
Therefore Seo agencies are focused on increasing the quality of a website so they can increase a websites rankings.
Rankings are changed on a website when a website increases its quality through offering a good user experience but also the quality of the information is so good that it will appear higher within Google’s rankings.
This is often done by avoiding black hat Seo and instead favouring white hat search engine optimisation practices.
Google search algorithm
Google search algorithm is very complicated and is a very sophisticated way of assessing the quality of the website. This focused on offering a good user experience but also presenting websites which offer quality information and are therefore more likely to better answer a searches query.
Therefore Google has got very good at spotting whether a website is optimised to spur Seo value or instead it has been optimised to offer a good user experience.
For example say you are looking to fix your car you will not once a website which is just been optimised for a certain amount of keywords but instead you will want the website to answer your question so that you can fix your car therefore Google has got very good at understanding if a page actually answers a search query or not.
Google’s updates
Google’s updates are very clever indeed. Google’s update are very clever at spotting spam and low quality Seo work and therefore demoting a website which uses low quality methods of search engine optimisation.
Google has launched various updates over the years some of the most biggest are the hummingbird, panda and penguin updates. Google’s updates are focused on increasing quality of the search engine results
Content marketing
One of the ways that this Google assesses the quality of a website look at how strong content marketing is of a website. This often means that if you have used to good quality Seo agency that your website is more likely to rank higher than a website which is not had search engine optimisation performed on that particular website.
Quality back links can help your website rank higher within Google. If you are good quality back links the come from a trusted source and these links past what are called the link equity on link juice through to the main eight is possible that a website will rank higher because it has good quality links flowing to it
Partnering with the with the right Seo agency
Partnering with the right Seo agency is very important. By partnering with the right agency the can suggest ways that you can use back links and content marketing and other forms of Seo to make your website appear higher within Google