
Some companies may spot that their competitors are regularly adding blog posts and believe they should be doing the same.

However some companies within Cardiff may well be pressed on time, so they may believe it’s a good idea to copy and paste another companies work onto their own blog. This is never a good idea, and we shall explain why.

How can duplication affect a websites SEO?

Duplication issues can be detected by Google’s algorithm, the update that is inbuilt into Google’s algorithm, which detects duplication issues is called Google’s Panda update.

Once a website has been flagged as having duplication issues, this can mean the website suffers a Google penalty. This can sometimes mean a substantial drop in ranking positions for certain pages, it can also mean that sometimes the whole website is removed from Google.

How does Googlebot discover duplication issues?

Googlebot is a piece of code that Google uses to crawl and index websites. Googlebot can therefore notice when your business adds a brand new piece of content marketing.

Googlebot will then crawl this work, and then index it. What this means is that if Googlebot spots the same work, but now on a competitor’s website, it will know who the original author is.

This then means that the website with the duplicated work could then be issued with a Google penalty.

Why must all seo work be white hat?

Top Space offers organic seo services, and local seo services throughout Cardiff, and also within Newport.

All the work that we offer is white hat.