As a business owner you will have heard about how quality backlinks and content marketing can help to improve your business’s SEO.
However, what a lot of business owners do not know is how Schema can also help to improve their SEO and also the CTR (Click Through Rate).
So, this whole article is dedicated to explaining what Schema is, and how it can help to improve your local SEO and CTR.
What does Schema mean?
Schema is quite simply a form of structured data mark-up. was developed in a collaboration between some of the leading search engine companies.
For example, Schema can be used to mark-up a businesses reviews, this can then allow the business to appear within Google’s results, sometimes with a star rating directly below the business listing.
This can help a business to standout from its competitors.
How can this help to improve my businesses visibility?
Even when a digital marketing agency has got a business ranked on the first page of Google, the SEO agencies job normally does not stop there.
The marketing agency should then work hard to keep the business ranked there, but also, they will have to work hard to try and make the business standout from the competition as well.
One of the ways some businesses do this is through using Schema, so for example the businesses reviews or information about that business can be displayed directly within the SERP’S.
So, for example, let’s say you are looking to purchase a used car, so you look on Google for a used car dealer that’s near to you.
All of the businesses listed within the SERP’s all look the same, but there’s one that has a 5-star review rating, this business is bound to standout, so this is how it can help to improve a business’s SEO.
How can your SEO company help?
Whether you wish to hire an SEO company to help you apply Schema to your website, or perhaps you would like to find an online marketing agency that can help improve your local SEO in its entirety, well why not give us a ring?